18 October 2011, 9.45pm

Losing weight is not a walk in the park. I've seen lots of slimming products that says "Lose 20kg in 1 month" and bla bla bla. To be honest, what's the point of losing weight without any hard work? For me, there's no shortcut in losing weight. Instead, you'll jeopardize your health. Losing weight requires full dedication and commitment. Without these two things, you won't be able to achieve your goal, any goal, not just losing weight. I've read an article in TheStar where certain slimming products from China, and believe it or not, from MALAYSIA, can be harmful to health. Long term effects can be:
1. Kidney failure
2. Jaundice
3. Osteoporosis
The moment I saw the side effects on the products, nahh. But don't get me wrong! I've never wanted to take slimming pills before this, I'm just saying. So friends! If u have been taking slimming products all this while, think again!
Who am I to give tips on losing weight? Right? I agree, but I'm one of billions of God's creation that can lose weight up to 5 kg in just 4 weeks, and will continue. In this case, might as well I just share my tidbit tips on how to lose weight.
Before that, I understand as a fat person, wait wait, I can't use the term "fat" for myself because almost 67% of my friends said that I have big body frame (my shoulder is broad) and not "fat". Guess, I'll use the term chubby, in this case :). Ever since I've stopped tennis lessons in my high school years (can't remember which form), my weight grew tremendously, and I can feel my oblique area (left side of the stomach) is expanding, until now. Being chubby is not an easy feeling and some people always tease me that I'm fat and all(Showing the fact that I'm fat after all). The humiliation is when he/she said the "fat" word in front of the whole crowd. I won't be pointing fingers on who did it, but yes, there's one time in College Banting that that particular group of people called me that. But I don't care because God created me like this, right? Why the shame? Haha
Anyways, a good friend of mine, Farah, is like an angel dropping from the sky, that suddenly appeared in my life. She gave me tips on how to lose weight, and controlled me in my food intake. Well, I didn't listen to her 100% but I've always used her words as my motivation to lose weight. Her parents were also sporting enough to give me priceless tips in losing lipids :P... Apart from them, there are also some of my good friends that gave me few tips in losing weight. You know who you are :D...
Hey! this post should be tips, not a story, haha.... sorry! :P...This tips are based on my experience and I won't fake the facts :)
1. Go to the gym at least 4 times a day. For me, I go to the gym everyday except thursday from 8.30am till 10.30am. Burn 700 calories (equivalent to 30mins jogging on the treadmill and 20 mins on the steps exercise). Spend a minimum of 1 hr and a maximum of 2 hours. Do gym exercise. Trust me, make friends with the gym members and you will find that it's not boring. Ask instructor to become your trainer. Without trainer, you will have no guide and no guide means no commitment in losing weight. Can't go to the gym? Jog on the park or anywhere convenient. At least 5km okay? Around 10 rounds in a common sized stadium.
2. Don't eat rice, in EXCESS! For me, I've not eating rice for a month. But i realise that your body needs carbohydrate for energy, so eat rice, but not too much, maybe a quarter of a bowl.
3. Drink water, LOTS of it. Helps your body to metabolise quickly, meaning fat will burn more efficiently.
4. Don't be scared to monitor your body weight, at least once a week.
5. Don't stop urself from eating your favourite food, but be reminded that not too much. I admit I ate burger at night for supper, but once in a while.
6. For those who have an iphone and can afford to buy nike+ shoes, get the sensors as well. Seriously, this nike+ app really motivates me to move further to burn all the excess calories in my body. Visit nikeplus.com for more information. Or get a pedometer, can find it at guardian or watson.
7. Last but not least, control, know your body. Your body and your soul is well connected, know your body well. Feel guilty if u ate too much in a day, work out and burn more calories than usual.
Most importantly, understand the differences between a "will" and a "must". Last time, I have this thought of "I will lose weight", but in a few months, I've changed the "will" into a "must". Remarkably a word can change your life. I guess thats it :D....
LOL aizat!!! dont lose too much weight... i love u like that!
ReplyDeletea slim aizat is not a good aizat. hmm
ReplyDeleteawh!... haha.. we'll see dearest! :D