22 October, 2011, 1.20am
I've been browsing through my laptop and my hard disk for 2 days straight, and suprisingly I've tons of pictures that I've never realised that it was taken. In this case, I'll be uploading stages by stages. I'll only upload the pictures that is cool and fun. I'll give brief description on the pictures. Enjoy! :D

This time Jacintha was celebrating her 19th "birthday" at TGI Fridays. Yup, "birthday" :)

I miss this, my first ever genting trip with friends

This picture is epic. Try to find the "hidden" message. :)

Cruel Dinie, :P

When u take IB, this will happen to you. Yes. Study2

All blue day.

1st ever class.

The day where my english group (azzeem, ezreeah and qasim) got kicked out of the class bcoz our group didn't do our english homework =.='

My birthday, my kids made a special card :)

Why so serious? haha

Kuching-ians in our medic class M09T

The bosses, Wan and Shaf came to KMB, with shorts, haha.

The pizza's, Evan :P
More pics coming :)
I thought i was important in ur 2 years. I guess not.