I was hoping for at least 10 questions to be answered :(... Very sad, but at least I have three questions rather than none, hehe. Here are the questions that I've received, 2 from anonymous and 1 from a friend of mine.
Your secret admirer :) said...
Just asking said...Amirul Azhar said... To "Your secret admirer" = Heyya! Ya! I took taekwondo before, green belt and I stopped because I have limited time in college. Currently I'm taking Wing Chun Martial Arts. To your knowledge, Wing-Chun is the most basic martial arts out there. It's all about energy and speed, not power. But I love Wing Chun more then taekwondo because it seems more relevant, :P. To "Just asking"= Ya. I play tennis. Come let's play tennis? :P To "Amirul Azhar" = Dude! Howwa you man? My opinion on long-distance relationship? Firstly, I don't believe in "True Love" nimore. It's just doesn't exists! Based on statistics, 75% long distance relationship won't work and ended up breaking up. So Ju, I'm not sure what is your current relationship but think twice before you wanna try on a long-distance relationship. Better safe than sorry. So, a NO to long-distance relationship to me. PERIOD Bye2, :P

Hey aizat! Do you take any martial arts class?......silly question

what sports do u play?
your opinion on 'long-distance-relationship' ..? wohoooo =P
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